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Is Crab Halal, Haram or Makrooh? Here’s the Best Answer

Is crab halal,is crab halal in islam,is crab haram,is crab haram in islam,is crab makrooh,is crab makrooh in islam

Almighty Allah has created humans and animals and provided necessary foods for them. Among all creatures, Allah has declared human beings as Ashraful Makhlukat or the best of the creatures. For these human beings, He has managed many beautiful foods. In the Holy Qur'an, He has mentioned some foods halal and some foods haram. He has always prohibited haram foods from eating. Again, in the Holy Qur'an, He does not mention some foods halal or haram. One such food is crab. Is crab halal or haram or makrooh?  Today, in this article, I will share what Islam says about crabs. 

Is Crab Halal?

To get a clear conception of whether the crab is halal or haram or makrooh, I will discuss the matter based on the Holy Qur'an, Hadith, and the doctrines of Islamic scholars.  First, let's know what the Quran says about crab.

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says, "The hunting of the sea and the food of the sea have been made lawful for you for your benefit. (Surah Ma'idah, verse 96) According to this verse of the Holy Qur'an, crab is halal because it is a seafood. In the Holy Qur'an, it is not mentioned by name which food is halal or which food is haram or which food is makroo. Although the name of the crab is not mentioned in this verse of the Holy Qur'an, according to the description of the verse, the crab is halal. It is not haraam or makrooh.

According to the Hadith of Rasul (S:), it is permissible to eat animals that live only in water. In this regard, the Prophet (S:) said in the Hadith, "It is permissible to eat sea animals which live in water whether they are alive or dead." (Al-Hadith)

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (R:), the Prophet (S:) said, "The water of the sea is pure and its dead animals are halal."(Abu Dawud) According to these two Hadiths, a crab is halal as it lives in water.

It is clearly understood by the two Hadiths of the Prophet (S:) that crab is halal. 

However, according to the four Islamic schools of thought, there is little debate about this matter among scholars. Now let's see whether the crab is halal or haram according to four Islamic schools of thought.

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Is Crab Halal Shia?

Shia Muslims allow eating only fish that have scales. They consider lobster and crab to be halal. They are considered haram by the Hanafi school of thought. Catfish is not haram and is a popular type of seafood eaten by Shia.

Is Crab Halal in Hanafi?

According to the Hanafi school of thought, only river or sea fish is permissible to eat. It is not permissible to eat any other animal in the river or sea. As crab is not a fish, it is not permissible to eat according to the Hanafi school of thought. Again, there is a group of Hanafi school of thought who believe that crab is halal. They and their ancestors ate crab.

Is Crab Halal Sunni?

A group of Sunni Muslims believe that crab is halal because they have no legs. They can walk away from their shells. Under the shell of the crab, there is a palm with five small fingers. They believe that this is an indicator that the crab can’t be easily killed by breaking it in half. There is another group of Sunni Muslims who believe that crab is not halal.

In conclusion, crab is halal in the light of the Quran and Hadith. However, some followers of the four schools of thought say that crab is halal. Some followers say that crab is haram. Nowadays, according to Islamic ideology, crab is neither halal nor haram. But eating crab is not allowed in the principles of Islam. But there is no obstacle to eating crab. If you want to eat crab, you can eat it. Therefore, from this article, you have been able to know the answer to the question- Is crab halal or haram or makrooh. Now eat or avoid eating crab according to your wish.

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