Almighty Allah has created all things in the world for the betterment of human beings. In the Holy Qur'an, He has mentioned that some things are halal and some things are haram for human beings. Again, He did not say anything about something clearly. Shrimp is one such animal about which He has not mentioned anything in the Holy Qur'an clearly. So, many people want to know- Is shrimp halal or haram in Islam? Yes, today, in this article, I have answered the question in the light of the Holy Quran, Hadith, and Islamic Ideology. So, continue the article to get a clear conception of whether shrimp is halal or haram.
Is Shrimp Halal?
Shrimp is a very popular
seafood for people of all the countries in the world. Like other countries of
the world, shrimp is also in demand in the USA and the UK. The Muslim
communities of these two countries also like shrimp very much. Usually, shrimp
is a very beneficial food rich in nutrients. It is a great source of protein
and high in sodium. It is also the storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids.
The present age is the age of
science. In the age of science and information technology, it is not right to
believe wrong information and it is also wrong not to try to break the
misconceptions of others regarding shrimp. Some call shrimp halal, some call it
haram and some others call it makrooh. But what is shrimp exactly? Let's
know whether shrimp is halal or haram or makrooh in the light of the holy
Quran, Hadith, and Islamic ideology.
Islamic View on Halal, Haram, and Seafood
The Qur'an is the complete
code of life for people on earth and the second is the hadith. So, if you want
to decide on something, you have to follow the Qur'an first and then the
Hadith. If no clear decision is found in the Qur'an and Hadith, Ijma and Qiyas
should be followed. To know whether shrimp is halal or haram or makroo, let's
first see what the Quran says.
Although shrimp live in ponds,
rivers, canals, and beels, it is mainly seafood. And, about this seafood in the
Holy Qur'an Allah Rabbul Alamin says in Surah Ma'idah -
"The hunting of the sea
and the food of the sea have been made lawful for you for your benefit."
(Surah Ma'idah, verse 96)
According to this verse of the
Holy Qur'an, shrimp is halal because it is a seafood. In the Holy Qur'an, it is
not mentioned by name which food is halal or which food is haram, or which food
is makrooh. Although the name of the shrimp is not mentioned in this verse
directly, according to the description of the verse, shrimp is halal. It is not
haram or makrooh.
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According to the Hadith of
Rasul (S:), it is permissible to eat animals that live only in water. In this
regard, the Prophet (S:) said in the Hadith, "It is permissible to eat sea
animals that live in water, whether they are alive or dead." (Al-Hadith)
In another Hadith, the Prophet
(S:) said, "The water of the sea is pure and its dead animals are
halal."(Abu Dawud)
In the light of the two
hadiths of the Prophet (S:) it is clearly understood that shrimp is halal. It
is not at all haram or makrooh.
Now, according to the four
Islamic schools of thought, there is little debate about this matter among
scholars. So, let's see whether shrimp is halal or haram or makrooh according
to four Islamic schools of thought.
Is Shrimp Halal Shia?
Shia Muslims allow eating only
fish that have scales. They consider shrimp to be halal. They tend to teach
that no other aquatic creatures are halal except shrimp and scaled fish.
Is Shrimp Halal Sunni?
According to the Hanafi school
of thought, all sea animals are permissible to eat with a few minor exceptions.
They believe that shrimp is halal. So, the majority of Muslims in Indonesia and
Malaysia commonly eat shrimp.
Is Shrimp Halal in Hanafi?
According to the Hanafi school
of thought, only river or sea fish is permissible to eat. It is not permissible
to eat any other animal in the river or sea. As shrimp is not a fish, it is not
permissible to eat according to the Hanafi school of thought. In their opinion,
eating mussels, calamari, crabs, lobsters, and
shrimp is haram.
Finally, shrimp is halal in
the light of the Quran and Hadith. However, some followers of the four schools
of thought say that shrimp is halal. Some followers say that shrimp is haram.
At present, according to Islamic ideology, shrimp is halal. I think from this
article, you have been able to know the answer to the question - Is shrimp
halal or Is shrimp haram? Now if you are a Muslim, you can eat shrimp
without any hesitation.
Have you any
more confusion about shrimp whether it is halal or haram? If you have any
confusion, mention it in the comment box below.
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