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Top 10 Health Benefits of Watermelon Juice & Easy Recipe

Watermelon juice,watermelon juice recipe,how to make watermelon juice,what are the health benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is a refreshing and hydrating drink on hot summer days. This drink is made from fresh and juicy watermelon. It not only quenches your thirst but also provides vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for your health. Because of its high water content and natural sweet taste, watermelon juice is a healthy alternative to artificial drinks. Today, in this article, I will share the nutritional value, the top 10 incredible health benefits of watermelon juice and how to make this refreshing and hydrating juice. So, if you read the article from first to last, you will know everything you need to know about watermelon juice. Let’s start reading the article carefully.

Watermelon Juice

Nutritional value of Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice is not only a thirst quencher but also a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains 90% water content, vitamins A, B6, and C, potassium, magnesium, small amounts of calcium, iron, zinc, lycopene and other antioxidants and citrulline amino acid. For all these valuable nutrients, watermelon juice is the perfect summer drink.

The Health Benefits of Watermelon Juice

1. Helps in Hydration

Watermelon juice has a high water content. Drinking it keeps the body hydrated. There is no alternative to drinking watermelon juice to keep yourself hydrated, especially on hot days. Remember, proper hydration helps in digestion and keeps the skin healthy.

2. Boosts Immunity

Watermelon juice is rich in vitamin C. It helps boost your immune system. It also protects your body from common illnesses like colds and infections.

3. Keeps Skin Healthy

The vitamins A and C in watermelon juice keep the skin healthy. It fights against the signs of aging on the skin, reduces wrinkles and maintains youthfulness.

4. Keeps the Heart Healthy

Watermelon juice is a combination of potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. These help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and improve blood circulation. As a result, the heart remains healthy.

5. Improves Digestion

Watermelon juice regulates digestion and helps in good digestion. It also prevents constipation.

6. Loses Weight

Watermelon juice is low in calories and high in water content. It keeps your stomach full for a long time without adding extra calories. As a result, it helps to lose weight. Those who want to lose weight should drink watermelon juice daily. It is an ideal drink for weight loss.

7. Fights Inflammation

The lycopene antioxidant in watermelon juice is anti-inflammatory. It helps in reducing swelling and inflammation in the body.

8. Repairs Muscles

The citrulline content of watermelon juice helps reduce muscle pain. It is an excellent drink to repair muscles. So, watermelon juice should be drunk after exercise and hard work.

9. Keeps Eyes Healthy

The vitamin A in watermelon juice maintains good eyesight, reduces cataract risk and helps solve all eye problems. 

10. Improves Blood Circulation

The citrulline in watermelon juice relaxes blood vessels and helps prevent high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Above all, it improves blood flow.

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How to Make Watermelon Juice

Making watermelon juice at home is very easy. To make watermelon juice, follow a few simple steps below:

Watermelon Juice Recipe


  • 1 medium-sized watermelon (seedless if possible)
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Prepare the Watermelon: Cut the watermelon into chunks. If it is not seedless, remove the seeds.
  2. Blend: Place the watermelon chunks into a blender. If you wish, add lemon juice and ice cubes for a zesty flavor boost. Then blend until smooth.
  3. Strain (Optional): If you like smoother juice, strain the blended watermelon juice to remove the pulp.
  4. Serve: Pour the juice into a glass. If you wish, garnish with mint leaves. Finally, drink this nutritious juice yourself and serve it to near and dear ones. 

Best Time to Drink Watermelon Juice 

Watermelon juice can be enjoyed at any time of the day. However, there are some important times when drinking it has special benefits. Now, let's know about those important times:

After Workout: The hydrating content and high potassium of watermelon juice are very beneficial for health. They can help back up the body's lost electrolytes and reduce muscle pain after exercise. So, drink a glass of watermelon juice after a workout to back up your energy.

Early in the Morning on an Empty Stomach: Start your day with a glass of watermelon juice. At this, the body will not lack energy throughout the day. And, you will not feel tired in any activities.

In the Afternoon on Hot Days: Drinking watermelon juice in the afternoon on hot days will keep you very hydrated and refreshed. So, drink a glass of watermelon juice every afternoon in the summer.

However, enjoying a glass of watermelon juice at these specific times can increase its health benefits manifold. So, instead of drinking watermelon juice at any time of the day, choose any one of the specific times. I think you will certainly get good results.

Finally, watermelon juice is a refreshing and hydrating drink for hot summer days. It is not only tasty but also packed with valuable nutrients. You will get the benefits of watermelon juice whether you drink it fresh or mixed with any fruit. So, collect a watermelon from the market today and start making watermelon juice with just a few ingredients. However, add watermelon juice to your daily routine to keep yourself hydrated and refreshed especially on summer days. 

Are you ready to start your day with a glass of simple watermelon juice? Do you have anything else to know about it? If you want to know anything, share it in the comment box below.

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